Internal Painting
All types of painting to your interior including emulsion, undercoat and glossing.
I have had a lot of experience working with many wallpaper manufacturers. I will also advise if a wall needs lining before this can done and offer a lining service also.
The latest technology in the painting industry sees the airless spraying system used more and more. After successful completion of the CTS Spray Painting (Airless) course I can competently set up airless equipment, clean equipment and use correct spray technique to give the customer seamless cover using water based emulsions.

External Painting
During the late Spring/Summer I offer external painting. This can be anything from painting fascias and wooden windows to four storey flats with rendering that needs repainting. I am also qualified in airless and HVLP spraying.
Introducing The SprAy Team
We like to move forward with the times and as your probably well aware we like to spray paint using airless and hvlp spraying systems … these in the right environment create a far better finish in a shorter space of time which is a win win all round!! We’re working hard at the sprAy team to stay ahead !!!!